Congratulations, we’re cutting your premiums next year by 16%!

Congratulations, we’re cutting your premiums next year by 16%!

This is what COR clients are looking forward to in 2023.  Every year our clients anxiously anticipate that meeting where last year’s hard work is about to pay real dividends. Renewal season is upon us, and for many, it’s a wait-and-see situation.  This year annual renewals will rise an average of 6% in 2023.

Wouldn’t it be nice to walk into the annual budget meeting and NOT ask for an increase in insurance money?  Better, wouldn’t it be great if you could walk into the finance meeting and report you’ve reduced the insurance spend? COR clients are seeing not only premiums remain flat, but they are seeing them flat year over year. And yes, some of our clients are doing so well that they are expecting reductions in their spending next year.

How does COR make this happen?

Firstly, we achieve the high employee engagement levels necessary for the program impact to result in outcomes to the bottom line. Is your program meeting the required minimum of 20% employee engagement? COR engagement numbers year-over-year are over 40% and reach over 60% in mature programs.

Secondly, our programs directly contribute to improving the health of employees. High engagement levels coupled with improved health translate to measurable results.

Finally, it’s always about the people.  COR understands human resources and operational workflow, and we have the best professionals in the industry dedicated to meeting both the people’s and the organizational goals.

HR colleagues, it’s time to start putting a methodical, strategic, and results-driven approach to your employee engagement goals.  Many companies are claiming that employees are their greatest asset, but data shows too many are falling short of their mission to protect that asset. When wellness programs are incorporated with rigor, from the first minute of orientation through quarterly check-ins and annual health reviews, it validates the focus, resources, and cadence to ensure personal success.

The renewal season doesn’t need to bring anxiety to the organization. Start talking about healthy and engaged employees, flat or decreased costs, and breeze through the next renewal meeting. If you are ready to take charge, turn the trends around, increase engagement and see better results… perhaps it’s time to reach out – we’d love to help.