Capture Your Company’s Unique Health Savings

Capture Your Company’s Unique Health Savings

Annually, organizations face rising insurance premiums. The human resources team and their finance partners will then examine what can be done. And often, the opportunities to slow those costs are not available or are overlooked. In a lot of cases, it’s really intimidating to think about putting in a program for an entire workforce with existing resources and HR staff, and taking on what could be a huge project. 

Most corporate wellness programs rarely deliver ROI

It’s true, research shows the $8 billion workplace wellness industry rarely delivers ROI. As a corporate wellness organization, why are we sharing that? Because COR Wellness can and does deliver ROI, founded on real metrics, and can prove it!

We’ve gathered years of data on corporate wellness and understand the gaps in many of the programs out there. Assigning champions to lead lunch-time yoga? Been there.  Online in-your-spare-time video-watching and step-counting points applications? Yep – there too.

It probably sounds much easier, and cheaper, to implement these common programs, but the key is not a one-size-fits-all tool. That is why your employees aren’t engaged long-term, and why you are not seeing results on your insurance costs. 

It’s our ability to flex to your organization’s unique challenges, complement existing programs, and create a high-touch experience that caters to each employee’s needs that deliver results.  Our strategy is centered around ensuring your employees learn to think well, eat well, and move well.  Without all of these pieces aligned, as an organization, you are not able to perform at 100%.

Our happy clients

Employee wellness has never been more important than it is today, especially when you roll in talent shortages and turnover. Uncertainty and stress are increasing healthcare costs, increasing recruitment and retention costs, and decreasing productivity. All of these factor into the financial health of a company and ultimately your brand.  

We would love to share testimonials from our clients with you. They’ve been happy to do news interviews with us about employee wellness and business impact. They have also been voted employer of choice and won awards.  Those are great honors, but it only takes a quick search to see we won’t do justice to the impact we’ve created for their employees. Openly and publicly, employees of our clients give shout-outs on social media about how much they appreciate their employer and the programming.

Isn’t your organization’s brand and stability worth a quick conversation?  We can walk you through our assessment tool after understanding a bit more about you and show you impact and help you plan for the future.  This isn’t a tool or a program, it’s a partnership – and we will take on the heavy lifting as an extension of your HR team. Happily.